I've had quite a few people ask me what to do for their Sweethearts on Valentine's Day.
So.....I've included this fabulous list of ideas that was lovingly compiled by a few romantic ladies.
One of them even suggests dedicating the whole month of February as "LOVE MONTH" and choosing something special to do EACH day. Sounds like a good idea to me!!
A heartfelt "Thank You" goes out to Ms. Ducette and her inspiring crew for sharing this with us!!
60 Ideas for Valentine's Day
1. With 'glow in the dark stars', shape a heart or write 'I love you' above your bed.
2. Write on his/her side of the driveway, with sidewalk chalk, 'I love you'.
3. On a freezing night write 'I love you' on his/her car window with whipping cream. (You can also buy window paint for $2 at Fred Meyer)
4. Make a coupon book.
5. Order a pepperoni pizza with the pepperoni in the shape of a heart.
6. Personalize his/her screen saver.
7. Give a neck Massage.
8. Give a scalp Massage.
9. Give a hand Massage.
10. Give a foot Massage.
11. Give a back Massage.
12. Give a leg Massage.
13. Go to a photo booth and have pictures taken of the two of you. Go out for ice cream afterwards.
14. Plan a whole day of festivities (red velvet cake baked in the shape of a heart, pink heart pancakes for breakfast, Valentine's dinner and sandwiches cut into heart shapes for lunch, etc.)
15. Write a note on a mirror.
16. Write a note on his/her lap top.
17. Put a favorite snack on a pillow or in a sack lunch.
18. Play a dice game. (You can get dice with Valentine things written on them at your local Fred Meyer)
19. Have a candlelight dinner, spread out the rose petals.
20. Play his/her favorite game.
21. Detail his/her car.
22. Display old dating photos.
23. Make a candy bar gram/poster with something like; "I'd go across the 'Milky Way', pay '100 Grand' and give you a bunch of 'Kisses' just to 'Skor' with you"
24. Play his/her old high school music.
25. Play Strip Poker.
26. Go for a walk and hold hands.
27. Make-out in the car.
28. Schedule a night-out with his/her friends for him/her.
29. Watch a favorite movie together.
30. E-mail a love note.
31. Iron his/her favorite shirt.
32. 'Heart Attack' his/her house, front door, bedroom, office, etc. (Put hearts of all different shapes and sizes all over the place)
33. Write your top 10 or 100 reasons why you love him/her. (Frame it)
34. Dance in the kitchen
35. Have a nighty-night. (Lingerie....)
36. Be intimate.
37. Cuddle on the couch.
38. Share a milkshake.
39. Make a favorite meal. (The way to a man’s heart)
40. Write a love note and send it in the mail to work.
41. Make a giant heart cookie, or a batch of his/her favorite cookies.
42. Make cupcakes in Valentine cupcake wrappers.
43. Have his/her favorite drink cold in the fridge when he/she comes home from work.
44. Make heart shaped pancakes for breakfast.
45. Enjoy breakfast in bed together.
46. Give small gifts.
47. Plan a surprise date. (Pick him/her up from work unexpectedly and go to a favorite restaurant, museum, etc.)
48. Do one of his/her chores.
49. Take a bath together.
50. For a man, bake a batch of muffins and leave them in a basket in the morning with a note that says, "Good luck today Stud-Muffin"
51. Take two candy canes and form them into the shape of a heart. Place it in front of a hot cup of cocoa with a note that says, "Our hearts were mint to be together"
52. Put a towel in the dryer for a few minutes and have it ready for when he/she gets out of the shower.
53. "Kid-nap" him/her with handcuffs and go to a favorite restaurant (or pack a favorite meal) and take it on a picnic.
54. Put red and white Gummi Bears in a cute cellophane bag that says "I can't Bear to be without you"
55. Put your wedding song (and/or romantic songs) on a CD and load it into the car stereo.
56. Buy red cinnamon lips and include the note; " I love your red hot kisses!"
57. Re-create your first date.
58. Have custom M&M's or Sweethearts made with your special words.
59. Write a poem or song.
60. Stay in a romantic B&B located somewhere unique; the beach, the forest, etc.