Thursday, July 21, 2011


I love this time of year!!

Here in the Pacific Northwest we have GINORMOUS Hydrangeas everywhere!!
They are simply stunning. 
From far away and up close; every little detail...from their leaves to their petals is perfect.

    Come with me on a beautiful path laden with these gorgeous trees...


Hydrangea Trees

Harmony would follow Spring's appearance

In the eternal bond of their adherance

And also would come the birds and their choir

All added together, made spring conspire

Bees covered the flowers, jasmine, the air

When fair was time and time was fair

And in the tire swing, my feet slashed through clovers

For the Seraph's peaceful weather had taken over

I danced in it, I loved the sweet jubilee

That bloomed the little hydrangea trees

The dandelions that floated on the bottom of the sky

Days when ground squirrels forgot to be shy

And even butterflies came to enjoy the breeze

Fluttering beside the hydrangea trees

Careless children within it parade

And sit out selling lemonade

And old couples remember times like these

On their rockers beside the hydrangea trees

 The blue and purple fragile bunched blooms

Never appear a minute to soon

They make life simple, they make life sweet

Remember to admire the hydrangea trees

~Whitney Albright~

1 comment:

  1.!! I grew up in North Carolina and they grew like weeds there. I live in Indiana now, and I just planted them for the first time last year. I had a Endless Summer and a Mini-Penny. The Endless Summer didn't survive the winter, which was brutal last year. The Mini-Penny did, but just barely. Hopefully I'll have more luck this year. In the meantime, thanks for the gorgeous pics!


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